Letter from Executive Director

by | Jul 13, 2017

reel factory car meet graphic
So many people I visit with have the misconception that once our sheltering season is completed that Severe Weather Shelter Network just takes the next 5 months off. Not the case at all…
The spring and summer months are a very busy time for us. We have two tasks that we focus on during this season. First and foremost we meet with all of our partners to say thank you and to evaluate the past season together. This is how we grow and learn to do things better the next season.
Our second task is to build Community Networks. We have a vision for building Community Networks of partner organizations and agencies that work together to provide immediate access to resources that meet the emergent needs of our guests…including housing. There are many questions to be answered and relationships to be built. Can you imagine with me what it would be like to walk with one of our guests from shelter to apartment and job?
We believe it is possible. This is what we work on during the off season. Relationships. Refuge that leads to relationships that leads to restoration. That is the ministry of Severe Weather Shelter Network.
Coveting your on-going prayers,